Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Of Arrogance

I think there is a need to keep my ego in check. More often than not, I feel the frustration that others just don't get it. They are either not smart enough to keep up, or just plain dumb to not get it.

Curse of the Leo.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Of Focus

It seems like I have contracted the disease "scatter-brain" of late. My mind wanders here at some point, there at another, there in a moment and then there in a bit.

These flitty nonsense has to stop!
It gets exasperating at time. Then again, who is to be responsible for his own mind?

Perhaps there are too much things I took up in the past few months. I need to focus and whittle away some of those "projects" that I greedily took up.

On a bright note, I managed to read more than 24 books this year! And it's not even year-end. So that's one down on my list of things to do for this year. It's really surprising. The things you can do when you actually put your focus on it. I was targeting 2 books a month, and towards the later part of the year, when the momentum picked up, I was averaging one book a week. Bragging rights!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Of Books

I have been reading a little bit more for the past few months. Reading has been something of a joy for me since .. young? I am a bookworm and have always been proud of it.

I still remember the days when I was speeding through Harry Potter, till my eyes were so sore I had to let it go and I know I have to sleep. But right after waking up, it was back to that book. I finished Book 6 in .. 2 days? 2 days that I remember till this day, because I cannot forget the thought I had when I finished the book .. "I'm never gonna read another book again ever." Because the book was too good, and the bar has been set so high that I don't think I will enjoy any other book anymore.

Till I read Dan Brown.

After that, I found a few more books that I love, but eventually .. I stopped reading novels altogether. They just  don't have the pull on me anymore.
But I never stopped reading.

I guess it's cause I enjoy opening myself up to the world the authors created. Getting intimate with some really cool characters I may not meet in real life. Just by opening that book.
Reading also gives me some solitude time. For those who know me well, you will know that not only do I enjoy solitude, but I crave for it and I need it. It's a time that I use to recharge myself and then face the world once more.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Of Let's See

Last I posted .. July 08, 2011. That was .. almost a year ago.
And that last post was titled .. Of It Has Been A While.
It has indeed been a while. So much has changed since then .. and probably continue to change.

Last I was typing for this blog, it felt a little heavy trying to put into words the thoughts I have. If I am to be honest, it felt .. like a chore.
I know .. It's not like I have a group of readers to cater to every day. If you have read Haruki Murakami's What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, you would have read about Runner's Blue. For me, I think that feeling is pretty near to Blogger's Blue.

We shall see how it goes from here. For now, typing this out is kind of a fun and light thing.
It's pretty awesome in fact ..

So .. let's see how it goes from here.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Of It Has Been A While

It has been a while since I last posted. For those who still drop by once in a while, and wondered if I am still alive, YES! I am :) Very much in fact.
But, it wasn't till a few days ago that I started feeling alive again.

There have been quite a number of things that have happened over the course of the past few weeks. Some good. Some bad. It has taken a while for me to sort through some of my thoughts and I think I will be writing some of it down .. some time soon.

For now, I am going to take a short break and start thinking more about my own thoughts.
As one wise silly girl told me before .. the introverts are busy people actually, with all the thoughts they have in their head.