Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Of *GASP!* I Am An Uncle :(

I went to the wet market for some grocery shopping yesterday.
Guess what happened?

The vege aunty said (in Chinese);
"Wah, haven't seen you in a long time!"

Have I become an uncle so much I am now a 熟客 of the vege aunty?

I am an uncle.


Anonymous said...

after reading your blog, for a split second, I was searching for the like button...this makes me laugh!!! 阿米

ChungChin said...

Facebook generation.
But yea .. I wonder if it's a good thing the vege aunty recognizes me.
Man ..

Sky Blue said...

Probably she recognizes you because you are special. Not many man nor youngster goes wet market anymore. Usually people go supermarket. :)

ChungChin said...

Probably she just recognizes this uncle who don't know what vege from what vege.
Cause I usually will ask her what I am buying hahahahah
Or tell her what I want to buy when the vege is lying in front of me..